It isn’t really hard to get good photos of butterflies as long as you can locate them. The closeup lens puts everything behind them out of focus — a nice effect. The colors, of course, are always bright — or the butterflies wouldn’t be there. Butterflies tend to return to the same flower many times, so if you wait, you can usually get them. They are everywhere, but unless you really are aware of them, you may not see them. My wife was like that. Until I drew attention to them, she didn’t realize they were there and that there were so many. One problem I have is that often one species seems to prefer one kind of flower — sort of like people who prefer, say, Wendys to MacDonalds! Our zinnias usually have the same brown butterfly in my photo and rarely others. I used to try to ID each species, but my 80-year-old memory rejects extraneous information these days, so I didn’t try to ID each photo. I’m glad I brightened your day!