I'm not sure why anyone is concerned about who Sontag fell in love with or that she took speed. I don't feel I missed anything by not knowing any of this until now. I discovered On Photography some time in the mid 70s (can't locate my copy right now to review my notes) and Against Interpretation a few years after that. Her observations (with no photos!) about photography had a profound influence on me and her agile mind dazzled (and sometimes confounded) me. I, too, had my speed moments while working on my own Ph.D. (With a wife, two kids and a full time teaching job, there was no way I could stay awake through centuries of Spanish and Hispanic literature to learn enough to pass my comprehensives.) I thank you, Wade, for so brilliantly introducing (or reintroducing) Sontag to LGBTQ (and all) aspring writers.