I read your excellent blog article and it made me recall more clearly my own experience. I don’t remember any female instructors or lifeguards — or spectators — at competitions. In the 1950s when I swam at the Y and in high school it was totally a male thing. I also don’’t remember being touched at inspections. This was in Bethlehem, PA. I graduated from HS in 1958. I agree tht attitudes have changed so much — and whole generations have not had the experience of swimming nude! I think it is their loss. I live in the tropics and when a little younger, often swam nude in the ocean when the opportunity arose. Now I rarely go to the beach, but I have a pool and I often swim nude in it. My wife is fine with it, but when my (adult) daughter was told about it, she acted scandalized! I assured her that I was not an exhibitionist and that I wear a suit whenever there is the remote possibility that someone could see me who would be uncomfortable with it — given its isolated location, that is highly unlikely. What bothers me a little is why something that is so natural — and enjoyable — it is an issue at all! Too many people are “hung up” on the wrong things, I believe!