I live in the interior and it is just too much trouble for me to travel to a beach (although I can get to several in less than an hour).That said, recently my daughter, son in law and grandson asked me to accompany them and strangely enough, I assented — and we had a nice time. That they carried everything, set up the tent, cooked the food, served the drinks, and treated me and my wife as honored guests helped! The beach (it was Seven Seas in Fajardo) was as beautiful as ever. It reminded me of the countless time years — decades — ago when our children were young and we went there and to a dozen other beaches. Yet, this was a clear anomaly. There is that too hot sun, bugs, sand in the suit, the threat of skin cancer, smelly lotion, fear of stepping on something weird in the water, etc. I never noticed those things in the haze of youthful time. Now I am just an old geezer who enjoys the mountain air and my private pool!